Today I woke up at 4:20 AM and flew back to Missouri. Fun times! I am so glad to be back in the Lou.
A) The weather is absolutely gorgeous
B) I have so many new bows to sport
C) I get to see my friends
In other news, the beautiful weather and the break brought so many people outdoors who I have never seen before. Almost everyone in/around the Bear's Den was someone I didn't recognize. Some people stared at my bows with a suspicious gaze, others smiled at my bow made out of they yarn that must have been designed specifically for me. See earlier post.
Today is my official 1 week anniversary of declaring my yearlong bowstravaganza! I am very happy to be back in my element at school, but someone asked me today, "You are going to wear crocheted headbands in public? In school too?"
Seeing as how I live at my school, yes, and yes! I am fully embracing the beauty that lies in the bow.
And by beauty, I mean both physically and symbolically. See earlier posts.
Now for the bow wins of today–
11) Getting away with carrying illegal items on the plane in my carryon: This includes two pairs of scissors, a bottle of glue (definitely counts as a gel or liquid), needles, etc. I guess the bow makes me seem less suspicious? Yes, this official bow win will be "being less suspicious/TSA fail"
12) Confusing people about my age: Whenever I go on a plane by myself, and I have about a dozen times at this point, the people sitting around me ALWAYS try to sneakily ask my age. Or directly. I was insulted when the 39 year old guy next to me thought I was 26 and awkwardly realized he was 20 years older than me. My bows might have made that less awkward, in fact. But really, the bow makes people think I am younger than 26, which I guess is a win!
Win #2 for today is looking younger/being age ambiguous.
I can't believe March is almost over. This year is going to go by way too fast!
Happy first week!
Bow Girl