Today is the start of week 16... Day 112 of my bowstravaganza. I have been wearing a bow for 30% of a year.
I have been taking some time to ponder my self-esteem. Sometimes I am very self-conscious while I wait alone for the metro. Even with my bow. I am not a fan of feeling like I am being watched. Which is, I guess, ironic. I wear a bow... The first conclusions one would probably come to are that:
1) That girl is wearing a bow. She must be different/quirky.
2) That girl is wearing a bow. She must want attention.
I guess there is some truth to that, but sometimes I am self-conscious and don't want to be looked at. I assume this to be a fairly common human experience, but I am not really sure. It won't lead me to de-bow my hair, but sometimes I just want my bow to be in my heart instead of on my head. I think it's natural to feel like that a small percentage (~1 to 2%) of the time.
Here are some bows and headbands I am slightly self-conscious of. Enjoy.
I wear this in my bike helmet. To solve the dilemma presented in my "Bows and Bikes" post. I guess the loops could be more even...
The point I am getting to... just because something isn't perfect doesn't mean I should let it lower my self-esteem. Or make me self-conscious about presenting it to the world. Sometimes the beauty is in the imperfections. Hand-crafted and perfect are not often synonymous, and I have to make that okay for me. I bet most people wouldn't have noticed anything wrong with these bows...
Bow Contemplating Love!
- Bow Girl