I don't know if I've mentioned it on here, but I have been dying to make a lace bowl for the last 3-6 months (at least!). Yesterday at 11:00 AM, I used this doily from orientation 2011 (a long time ago) as my sacrificial lamb doily.
I dipped it in liquid starch and draped it over this bowl (covered in saran wrap).The doily swelled up once starched and was kind of unwieldy, so I had to arrange it on the bowl
I removed the newspaper and saran wrap after 20 hours so that the excess starch wouldn't keep the edges of the bowl wet.
I lifted the bowl off the mould.
Ta-da! The next picture is my favorite. Because it hangs downward, I used the bowl/newspaper interface to keep the scallops relatively even in height.I love it!
BowL Love,
Bow Girl
P.S. Many more to come!