Monday, September 5, 2011

25 weeks and one day. 19.5/33 of a doily

Too many numbers in my title. Today is day 176. Wow! I have been a bow girl quite some time now. I feel as if I were born in a bow. There WAS a bow on my birth announcement... But that is completely unrelated. I am working on this doily I found on the internet. The one I showed a sneak peak of in my "Taking a break" post. Well. I have done about another third of the project, and I am almost out of Aunt Lydia's cream cotton (the thread), so I am going to have to wait for my new shipment to arrive. Luckily I ordered it during Labor Day weekend so I got the Labor Day Discount! 50 cents off each spool! But really, every little bit helps when you're a poor college student living on your measly savings and your parents' generosity.

Regardless, here is the 19.5/33 doily:

Doily and bow love,
Bow Girl


  1. you DID that??? omg

  2. Indeed. It will look quite different given another few rows. I look forward to showing off the finally product once my shipment comes in.
